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» Listings for 2025

  1. Matt has thousands of miniatures he has collected and painted over the decades, he no longer uses most of them so will be making them avaialble to buy. It will be nice if these can get a new lease of life!

    His collection includes thousands of WW2 miniatures from various manufactures (Matt was a display painter for many years for many manufactures) but also gamed alot so quality can vary from the highest display standard to game ink wash. Prices are priced accordingly.

    There are hundreds of vehicles , but these are in various states of falling to bits and may or may not be for sale (or the bin).

    There is also a lot of historical 28mm and fantasy sets as well as hundreds of old Star Wars miniatures.

    Its a long drawn out process so the sets will be added when there is time.

    Don't worry, Matt isn't quitting the hobby, he is just making room for all the new Elhiem miniatures he is working on.

    Photos will be uploaded when there is time, most of the photos I've taken so far don't do the painting or the miniaturesjustice, so a studio needs to be set up with good lighting .