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  1. Bad News.
    As of 6th April 2024 we are closing Elhiem shop TEMPORARILY. It will reopen when the below is resolved. Unfortunately we are in the hands of the iternation shipping and customs.
    We have a Paypal dispute going on for a big order due to our slow service (very big order) it is posted and enroute.
    Paypal have effectively removed the money in dispute from our account effectively removing all of our working capital and put us in to huge debt.
    This is not the customers fault, its a lot of money and it has taken a long time to pick it.
    Elhiem is not in financial trouble, it is just in a  very unpleasant situation where we have done the work and are waiting on payment.
    The reality is though, we can no longer operate until the money is released. We used up the last of our metal making the order and cannot buy more. We cannot refund any orders as we are called as in debt. Even if we had our usual level of orders it would take weeks to clear the paypal debt. Which is why we cannot also just move money to clear the debt until it is cleared (yes it is that big of a debt). We cannot even post out any existing orders as we are over drawn.
    However, we will get any outstanding orders completed :) I have trays of castings that I will melt down to complete these and pay out of my own pocket to cover postage.
    Hopefully this will be resolved  quickly as we have new releases in the molds!
  2. The next planned releases will be the US medic WW2 set (as long as the medic is castable).

    More Iranians for the Iran Iraq war :

    Iran 80's
    >x4 Kneeling Riflemen with G3's
    >+1 extra RPG-7 guy.
    >x3 Tank crew halves
    >x4 dismounted tank crew (not too sure on weapons)
    >2 man weapon team (1 with SVD, one with Strela, may have used Stingers but cannot confirm)
    >MMG team (1 prone feeding Ammo with G3, 1 kneeling wit G3 and Ammo boxes, 1 prone Gunner with MG3, 1 Alternate Gunner with FM MAG)

    Hopefully some new V2A dystopian road warriors/villans.

    Two new T2K personalities

    The next VOTE PLA chinese. Which I'll most likely digitise the PLA metals as well as the Vote expansion.

    As always, we are always working on other stuff!